Monday, April 4, 2011


Ancient Ghana's Military: Ancient Ghana's military was said to be a great military power of it's land around 300 C.E. Ghana's military force was better equipped than their neighboring foes. They used iron-tipped spears and arrows to take over neighboring states. The long range weapons gave them an advantage over their enemy which had less efficient weapons made out of bone, stone, and wood. Although Ghana did not have a vast military of their own, they created many alliances which gave them local and foreign military groups to increase Ancient Ghana's military forces. Ghana developed a complex relationship with the Islamic world. Trade with Islamic North Africa was not only needed as a source of revenue for the kingdom, but it was also needed as a source for horses, in which it used these horses to create their own calvary. As a calvary was created, it allowed Ancient Ghana to extend it's boundaries and acquire slaves for trade and agriculture. Although Ancient Ghana's wealth was great, it's defense relied on arragements with their allies and the locals. The kingdom was weakened by military raids from outside forces, which lead to the collapse of the kingdom around 1200 C.E.

Ancient Ghana: AGRICULTURE

Agricultural ideas were brought from the Bantu people of west-central Africa. Expansion went into the plains of the Sudan to exact tribute and acquire slaves. The Gambia River Valley helped to bring in wealth to the state of Sundiata with its uncommon fertility where rice and other crops thrived. 

The spread of agriculture into the tropical forests even made a political impact on the country. The farmers came from Bantu to what is now South Africa and traveled to the where rich soil was in eastern Africa.  Problems occurred with framing and invasions from other competitive hunting groups and it forced them to move continuously.

Religious beliefs held a great significance for the agricultural state as well. Subsidiary gods and spirits good and evil were held accountable for the welfare of the crops. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ancient Ghana:Culture

Ghana is often called the "land of festivals", they have festivals to celebrate most occassions from birth to puberty to marriage and death. There is a festival every month of the year. Every member of the clan participates someway in the festivals. The main garb in Ghana is the traditional Kente cloth, which the Ashanti people develoed in 17th century has ties as far back 3000B.C., the Ashanti people use the cloth as a royal cloth, the design colors and patterns are all symbolic interpretations of the Akan culture. The colors can represent gender differences, the spirit of the occasion and personal taste. Typically men wear a single Kente cloth draped and women will wear a two-pieced outfit. Kente is woven primarily by men.